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Ancestral worship in the form of ancestral tablets is a Chinese tradition that dates back to the ancient times. Ancestral tablets in the past usually take central position at the altar of traditional Chinese homes. It is a sacred item that is synonymous with the virtue of filial piety.
The passage of time is changing the way we pay homage to our ancestors and families may not time or space to honour their ancestors at home. Nirvana offers the option of installing ancestral tablets at various memorial centers to preserve and promote the virtuous tradition of honouring our ancestors while accommodating modern lifestyles.
At the same time, we offer thoughtfully-designed ancestral tablets that are installed in elegant and air-conditioned settings – surrounding sanctified altars dedicated to divinities and enlightened beings.
With Nirvana Life Plan, we ensure every need is covered in four simple steps so you and your family can focus on grieving and saying goodbye.
Choose from our various Nirvana Life Plan. Our helpful representatives will assist with every need and enquiry.
Nirvana’s professional service staff will assist in securing and transportation of the deceased for preparation before the wake and funeral.
For you and your loved ones’ ease of mind, our representatives will assist in handling the necessary documentations and paperwork.
Our professional service staff will arrange the funeral in accordance to the selected Nirvana Life Plan and other agreed requests with minimal involvement from the bereft.
when choosing a place of burial
Check as to whether it is inclusive of any other additional or hidden fees which will be tacked on later. Some fees might be a one-time payment such as opening and closing the grave. Some cemeteries and memorial parks charge a one-time maintenance fee upon purchase while others may do so annually.
Having regular maintenance and other additional facilities and amenities offered are one of the best advantages memorial parks will have over cemeteries. However, you should always investigate as to whether these additional conveniences are of value and who is in charge of these aspects.
Most people tend to consider choosing a final resting place to be a deeply personal choice. While it is ultimately important that you should be satisfied about where you choose to spend eternity, you may want to take your family’s needs and opinions into consideration as well.
A cemetery or memorial park operator that has a close association or relationship with the bereavement care provider will generally offer many conveniences in terms of transportation and other dealings such as packaged deals during funeral planning.
Most cemeteries and memorial parks especially will have different options for burial plots such as single, double or family plots. Aside from these, always bear in mind that location will have a significant bearing on the cost. The general rule is the more attractive the plot location, the more expensive it will be.
Most memorial parks will carry limitations or restrictions when it comes to choices of monuments or headstones which are meant to maintain landscape aesthetics. Some may require you to engage their operators while others may offer the freedom of engaging an independent contractor. Always check with the operator on their rules and regulations concerning this matter.
A cemetery or memorial park operator’s future development plans will usually provide a clear picture to its financial health. Aside from this, it is also important to know as to whether any of future development plans might impact the current plot’s aesthetics in a negative way.
A good bereavement care provider will help shoulder the burden and stress of organising a funeral so that your family can focus on what is more important during an emotional time.